Have you injured yourself at work? Come talk to one of our Chiropractors today to see if we can help!
Key steps if you injure yourself at work:
- Put a Claim in! – You don’t need to wait until the claim is accepted with workcover to begin treatment. All treatments will be reimbursed directly to you once the claim has been finalised.
- Keep all copies of invoices and receipts
- Notify your workplace in writing of your injuries, it must be lodged within 30 days of you first becoming aware of your sustained injuries.
- Start planning early with your Chiropractor and Employer a step by step plan of going back to work. Often you will have to start with doing only light duties and build back up to your previous level when your body regains its strength and stability.
- Our team of Chiropractors have many years of combined experience dealing with work related incidents and assisting people in returning to work.