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Our Hornsby ACUPUNCTURE Team

Formerly Health Space Hornsby Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Under new management December 1st 2022

If you’re seeking Chiropractic care in Hornsby, our team of chiropractors at Wellbeing Hornsby are trusted by the local community for providing high quality care. Our Chiropractors share many years of clinical experience providing quality research-based treatments, rehabilitation and recommendations. We are available 6 days a week, with same-day, late-evening and after-hours appointments available for your convenience.


Our practice is located at 107/10 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby, NSW 2077. Our modern facilities and chiropractic equipment include OMNI chiropractic tables, posture scanning technology, electric arthrostim adjusting instruments, as well as a range of the traditional chiropractic tools.

Our chiropractic team of University graduates have experience seeing patients with a range of musculoskeletal injuries having previously worked in a number of private practices throughout New South Wales.


Hornsby Acupuncture

Welcome to our Hornsby acupuncture practice, trusted by the local community for providing quality care and supporting patients in good health for the past decade.


It’s never been easier to see a Hornsby acupuncturist, with flexible appointments 6 days a week you can trust a our team Wellbeing will do our very best to be available to help.

You can call us on (02) 9476 4302 or CLICK HERE to Book Online.

Our clinic is located in the heart of Hornsby @ Level 1 Suite 107, Level 1, 10 Edgeworth David Avenue


About Wellbeing Hornsby Acupuncture

At Wellbeing Acupuncture Hornsby we have a team of experienced acupuncturists and qualified traditional Chinese medical practitioners. All our practitioners have years of clinical experience providing high-quality care to the community whether that being: helping patients manage stress, pain relief and optimise their wellbeing.

We have a variety of patients who visit our Hornsby acupuncturists, some have been seeing an acupuncturist for years, and others who pop in for their first visit. Despite your level of understanding, we start from the ground up to provide you with all the information so your journey can be a rewarding and valuable experience.

In addition to our acupuncturists; our Hornsby team also consists of massage therapists and chiropractors. All our practitioners seek to understand your condition and how they can provide relief through Traditional Chinese medicine, right here in Hornsby.







Private Insurance Funds


10 Facts About Hornsby Acupuncture

1. Acupuncture is an ancient practice
Founded through Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is an ancient art practiced and fine-tuned over thousands of years. It is one of the world’s oldest practices that lives on today.

2. Acupuncture targets and improves energy flow in your body
Did you know there are more than 2,000 acupuncture points in the body? These points act as pathways or are rather key points to access and create energy flow.

Known as Qi in Traditional Chinese medicine, energy flow is vital to your good health and wellbeing. By fixing disruptions in your energy flow you can overcome health issues, pain and even disease.


3. Supports pain relief in the body
Across the world, people seek acupuncture treatment for the relief of chronic pain, from back to muscle and neck pain. However, acupuncture may benefit and help the musculo-skeletal components of many other conditions including menstrual-related pain and asthma-related muscle tension and discomfort.

4. Electromagnetic energy, stimulation and heat may be used during acupuncture
Alongside acupuncture through fine needles, sometimes your acupuncturist may utilise other techniques to support the flow of energy. These techniques include cupping, heat and the use of an electrical current through the needles.

5. Your body releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain during acupuncture
Your central nervous system is amazing, that responds to stimulation through acupuncture needles. The release of these chemicals is holistically beneficial and may contribute to the body’s ability to self-heal.

6. Supports the reduction of stress and anxiety
After acupuncture needles are applied to key points on the body there is often a release of muscle tension in affected areas. The provided relief allows you to go about your daily life with reduced aches and pains. The treatment itself is a chance to unwind, relax and take a moment out of your busy schedule to focus on your health.

7. May make you sleepy or energized
Funnily enough, it’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during acupuncture, or experience extreme relaxation. Other people may feel a burst or hit of energy that can last them throughout the day.

8. You can receive acupuncture on your face

The face, cheeks, brow and skull are included in the 2,000 acupuncture points across the body. Many people receive acupuncture on the face to release tension in the jaw, temples and the muscles surrounding their eyes.

9. An effective treatment option for adults and the elderly
Acupuncture remains a safe and reliable option for adults and the elderly. Many people seek acupuncture as a way to experience pain relief and relaxation without medication.

10. Only qualified acupuncturists practice at Wellbeing
Rest assured Wellbeing Hornsby acupuncturists are all qualified and experienced acupuncture practitioners, who hold supporting certificates that ensure you experience safe and reliable care.


Frequently Asked Questions For Our Hornsby Acupuncture


  • What is acupuncture?

So what is acupuncture and how does it work? Acupuncture involves gently pricking the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles which the experienced practitioner lightly moves through specific movements or with electrical stimulation.

If you choose to see an acupuncturist, discuss it with your doctor first before visiting a Wellbeing acupuncturist.

  • What does acupuncture feel like?

It’s not uncommon for people to fall asleep when receiving acupuncture, as it’s beneficial to relaxing your muscles, aches and pains. Other people walk out of their session with a burst of energy from the traditional treatment.

During your session, most patients feel the slightest of pricks from the extremely thin needle that is used. The thin needle creates a feeling often associated with mild pressure or ache. You may experience a slightly stronger sensation depending on the part of the body where the needle is applied. Your Hornsby acupuncturist will advise you this is usual if you have a specific injury or if it is a common sensitive part of the body.

Your Wellbeing acupuncturist may use other forms of stimulation on acupuncture points:
● Heat (moxibustion)
● Acupressure
● Friction
● Cupping
● Electromagnetic energy

  • How does acupuncture affect the body?

There are many ways that acupuncture can positively affect the body. From relaxation to muscle tension release – however, the founding aspect of acupuncture is that it targets the central nervous system.

The release of these chemicals is holistically beneficial and may be a contributing factor in the body’s ability to self-heal.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies have shown that acupuncture may provide benefits with/or without traditional therapies to manage:

● Headaches
● Pain from teeth or after surgery
● Elbow tendinopathy
● Chronic pain conditions
● Myofascial Syndromes
● Degenerative arthritis
● Back pain
● Hand and wrist pain including Carpal tunnel syndrome
● Symptoms related to Asthma and CPD

  • What conditions may benefit from acupuncture?

Across the world, people seek acupuncture treatment for the relief of chronic pain, from back to muscle and neck pain. However, acupuncture may benefit and help the musculo-skeletal components of many other conditions including menstrual-related pain and asthma-related muscle tension and discomfort.

  • What are the risks of acupuncture?

While there are risks associated with acupuncture; these are low relative to some other medical procedures. Potential risks include:

– Pain. Local pain typically passes within seconds to a few minutes
– Swelling and bruising of the local area where the needle is inserted
– Infection in cases where unsterilised needles are used
– Damage to underlying tissue and/or organs. This would occur where inappropriate technique or application is used, for example – if a long gauge needle was inserted over the lung, piercing the lung pleura and causing a pneumothorax (punctured lung)

There are professional bodies that regulate the quality of acupuncture needles. These are classed as medical devices and are made to a high level of quality and standards. All needles are sterile, non-toxic and are for professional practitioner use only.

  • Are Wellbeing acupuncturists qualified?

All of our Hornsby acupuncturists are qualified in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and hold supporting qualifications to provide you with safe and reliable care.

Dr. Kenny Lee – Acupuncturist & Myotherapist
Bachelor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Advanced Diploma in Myotherapy, and a Diploma in Remedial Massage.

Dr. Brandon Neader – Acupuncturist
Graduated from the College of Complementary Medicine in Kinesiology and Mind-Body Medicine, a certification in Chinese Medicine from the University of Technology, and graduate qualifications in ‘Balance Method Acupuncture’ and Contemporary Pulse Diagnosis.

Dr. Amy – Acupuncturist
Certification in Chinese Medicine from the University of Technology and post-graduate training in advanced acupuncture treatment methods including ‘Balance Method Acupuncture’.

Book an appointment by calling (02) 9476 4302 or CLICK HERE to Book Online.