You might have heard of chiropractic adjustments while searching for remedies to heal your chronic pains. However, you may not be thoroughly aware of how they work and the benefit they can offer in the long run. Complementing the medicinal treatments you might be considering, manual adjustments or physical therapies such as spinal manipulation work […]
Get Relief with Chiropractic Adjustments. Neck pain is a very common musculoskeletal condition, and is said to affect nearly 15% of adults at some point in their lives. Most of the time, it tends to clear off on its own in a few days and is not considered serious. However, in the event that it […]
Brain fog may be caused by falls, concussions, whiplash, or even COVID-19. Brain fog can be described as confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, and overall low mental clarity. Just below the bottom of the skull is the atlas bone, which is the first bone of the spine. This bone is very important because it is […]
Lower back pain can be caused by many different factors, and lots of people can be victims. Below we have a few techniques a chiropractor can use to assist with 3 different low back pain causes. Central low back pain Central low back pain may be exacerbated by sitting or standing for long periods of […]
Do you struggle with sleeping through the night? Chiropractic care may help! The importance of sleep: The lack of a good night’s sleep might just be annoying if it happens once, but multiple restless nights can be more than just annoying. When you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to be more irritable, unable to […]
Sleeping on your stomach Sleeping on your stomach puts the most strain on your back of the three sleeping positions. The most effective way to reduce that strain is to place a pillow under your hips and lower abdomen as well as a pillow under your head. If the pillow under your head causes discomfort, […]
As much as 10% of the population may be involved in a car accident every year. However, 30% of those people never consult a doctor for treatment of any hidden issues that may have been caused. Our Chiropractors are trained in seeing people who have had car accident and may be able to provide the […]
Frequently, our Chiropractors see patients who come in with general pain or recurring symptoms that won’t seem to go away. While we are always happy to provide care to a patient in need, we are happier to see patients free of pain and stiffness. However, getting to the point of no pain and no stiffness […]
It’s not uncommon for people to experience back or neck pain at some point in their life, whatever the cause may be. Most back or neck pain is built up over long periods of time from poor sleeping, sitting, or standing posture. Having a poor posture for various activities of daily living can put unwanted […]
A spinal subluxation is a term unique to the chiropractic profession. It is a spinal bone that is not properly aligned, causing dysfunction of the joint or the surrounding nerves/ muscles. You may have a potential subluxation if you notice tingling, weakness, numbness, and/ or pain. The symptoms may not always be clear cut and […]