1. Nobody can tickle themselves. 2. Everyone has their own distinctive smell. 3. Your heart sits on the left side of your body. Therefore, there is less room on the left side of your body for your lungs and so your left lung is smaller. 4. Philtrum- the space between your upper lip and nose. […]
The ‘posture pole’ is an Australian designed product focus on reducing muscle tension along the spine. How does one use the posture pole? With an in-built texture pad at the top to rest your head on, lie vertically along the pole with your hip and knees bent in a sit-up position and both arms resting […]
Using kneeling chairs in the workplace There’s so many chairs available in the marketplace, it can be seriously difficult and confusing to determine what chair is suitable for you. I remember watching my younger brother play basketball as a junior, and one of the parents would bring a kneeling chair and sit on the sidelines. […]