Dr. Hayden Ford

Hayden’s history of chiropractic began over 12 years ago, his body could not handle the stress of his sport, gymnastics. Due to the physical nature of the sport, Hayden suffered 3 shoulder surgeries, 3 shoulder dislocation and a fracture. It was through discipline that Hayden was able to reach heights of a professional gymnast. Hayden reached his highest peak in gymnastics when he competed at national level, international level and in trials for the Commonwealth games.
Hayden has a special passion for postural issues / conditions, chronic pain and surgical prevention due to having 3 shoulder reconstructions himself.
Hayden began his journey in helping others through 5 years of university at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Melbourne where he studied and completed a degree in Chiropractic. Hayden practices what he teaches and recommends to his patients. Hayden firmly believes in being proactive with health.
Hayden treat adults as well as children. He is experienced in dealing with WorkCover, TAC and DVA, as well as EPC’s and private patients. Hayden has additional interests in chronic injury prevention and sport specific related injuries.
Hayden is available at our Epping clinic.
To book an appointment, call (03) 8400 5027 or click here.